Friday, 24 February 2017

Tuakana Beach Trip

Here are some photos from our recent beach trip.  Thanks to the Weather-Gods and everyone who helped us on the day!

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Welcome to Kahikatea!

Tena koutou katoa! Here we all are in the first week of term, all ready to go and eager to learn!

Our class name is the name of one of the tallest native trees In New Zealand.  Traditionally the wood from the Kahikatea tree was used to make waka because it was light and easy to work with.  We use the analogy of travelling together in a waka when we are learning at Miramar Central School.  You can read more about the waka story at MCS here .   

Our class Karakia is about how we will stand tall together and work together as one.

E tu Kahikatea
Hei whapai uruoa
Awhi mai awhi atu
Tatou tatou e.

Stand like the Kahikatea
To brave the storms
Embrace one another
We are one together.